Saturday, February 10, 2024


Lifering Verification Form
If you require a Meeting Attendance Verification for this meeting, please fill in the form at this URL
The convenor for this meeting is: Sepehr
🎁 Please donate today!  —
Help support LifeRing as we continue to grow and support more people. Go to or click ‘Donate’ at the top of any LifeRing page.  Donations are greatly appreciated.  
Please consider becoming a convener, helping others while nurturing your own recovery plan.  If you are interested please email '' or contact your convenor.  A convenor must have 6 months continuous sobriety.  A co-convenor, assisting a convenor, needs 3 months of continuous sobriety.
Program Description:

The one book to read for an introduction to LifeRing. Written for the person who wants to get free of alcohol/drugs, for their friends and relations, and for the professionals who treat them.


Recovery by Choice, written by Martin Nicolaus, the co-founder of LifeRing, is the first workbook that applies this basic principle of effective professional treatment to the recovering person’s own self-treatment, or self-help.

I am not comfortable with how you are behaving in this meeting. If you are unable to be respectful and constructive, please leave. You are welcome to return when you are able to behave according to the expectations of this meeting and/or the LifeRing TOU Policy. If you don't agree with this decision, please complete the LifeRing Feedback Form:

Gerry's new Harmony In Recovery Meeting starting on Wed 13th of March 10:00 AM Pacific Time.

This meeting format will centre around music, HWYW and topics related to sobriety/recovery. The idea is that participants will post a song they wish to hear in the chat  and I will try my best to play that song for you given the allotted time. Share a song that resonates with your journey in sobriety – anything from anthems of resilience to quiet reflections.

What'sApp group:

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Monument Sarah-isms


Sometimes the alcohol has to go first and we have to work on those tools before going after other things

Thanks for squeezing in a meeting!


"I like your language about ..."

She's handling some mansplaining

"Being direct is certainly good.  I am pushing for equality in the household and believing our partners can step up"

"Thank you for that" then something she agrees "and also I like how dr. says ... " then "and yes, I agree.."

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Work to do!


Intro to Zoom for complete newbs

Board member profiles

Sobriety counter

Update recommended resources or add a page of LifeRing participant recommendations

Where do you...    
find the newsletter archives
get a high level overview of all things LR



Meetings I'd like to convene: 


Romantic Partners


Applied CBT

LifeRingers profiles

Panel discussions

With Robert:

Postal - way to send out books

Order processing - Paypal to equid (captures and provides info).  Copy address from equid to  Paste in address, email. weigh package, print label, take to post office.  Usually 3-4 at a time.  Bulk of books are sold on Amazon. gets the book orders.

LifeRing Press drive full of ancient stuff Robert doesn't have time to deal with.

it's where Marty has all his books

Keepers - a book of stories from the email list.  Published by Marty in a small book.  In Word, needs to be cleaned up.  Turn it into a PDF and put it on the website.  Needs to be cleaned up and made continuous.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Meeting Notes


When people ramble - how has that affected your sobriety? We have x number of people to get through shares

Alcohol lied to me book


JQ in AZ 10:30 AM
Crappy Childhood Fairy:
Dr Gabor Mate: Healing from within.. Insights on Trauma and Addiction:

Cindy S 6:32 PM
I'm reading this book right now and the whole first chapter was about how she starts crying at almost every doctors appointment because she doesn't have anyone to write down for Emergency Contact. It's a funny book though. "How to be Alone" by Lane Moore

Noah - book recommendation - Codependent No More


If there's a $25/month surcharge for smoking there should be one for alcohol too :P


JQ: The wake doesn't drive the boat.  My past doesn't drive me.

becky 10:37 AM

Only in my pain, did I find my will.  Only in my Chaos, did I learn to be Still.  Only in my fear, did I find my might.  Only in my darkness, did I see my light.


Ben reminded me of something I said

not drinking is simple but it's not easy

It's easier not to drink than it is to moderate.


No weapon formed against me shall prosper


What's the worst thing I've been able to stay sober through?


It's easier to stay sober than to get sober


Bruce: Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance.


The only person who doesn't like you, is you.  Rob in the Grab the Ring meeting convened by Sue


Hosted for Mark who had to leave unexpectedly

🥕Anna H 7:18 PM

You are a wonderful convener. I can't wait until you have your own meeting.  You are truly an asset to Lifering🩷

You (direct message) 7:19 PM

Oh thank you so much!!


Dr Peter Levine waking the tiger


I am grateful for this new day.
I embrace impermanence.
I cultivate compassion for myself and others.
I walk the path of wisdom.
I am at peace with myself.
I am capable of letting go of attachments, cravings, and negative thoughts.


z- James D. Thorpe 11:04 PM

Sobriety doesn't have to be all that defines us

Nicole 11:04 PM

I like to think of it as a refining rather than a defining factor myself.

Nicole 11:57 PM

Anjelah Johnson-Reyes


The ripples in the pond have stopped and now I can see the bottom.


I don't want to relive those moments or those losses - Thayne, Brandon, Oracle.


"I don't care that you drink, I care how you treat me"  - brilliant way to put it @Nicole

"First, you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you." - F. Scott Fitzgerald


I'm afraid of drinking again in a different way.  To fear losing what I have now

"wouldn't it be nice..."  Oh, you're back again.  Permissive voice, let me introduce you to sober voice and the look on Thayne's face when he's not thinking of me drinking and loving our time together.

Ask myself - what do I want more?  A drink or a sober life?  What will make me feel better?

Write down the addict brain talk and write the sober brain responses.

Being honest with other people is practice for being honest with yourself.


DENIAL - Don't even notice I am lying


Say no to the first one. It doesn't get easier than that as an LR convenor says. :)

Also, using was fun until it wasn't. Recovery sucked until it didn't. 

Things I've learned along the way...

Addiction is the only jail cell that the door opens from within.

He never woke up wishing he'd drank the night before.


Reintegrating into society - not feeling like I belong

Audio hallucinations

How do "help" calls go?

Nature preserve for nerds job


Prepare for a particular trigger in the morning

Set expectations for the day - I'll feel good today and won't feel drunk


Act your way into a feeling vs feel your way into acting

Here is a website where you can enter your medication to see if they hinder Acetacholine in the brain:  They are classified Anti-Colergenic medications:   Tricyclic Anti-depressants, Paxil (really bad), hydroxyzine, Benadryl, Dramamine, Benzos, Detrol, Ditropan, Claritin. All these meds cause "Cholergenic burden." Allot of doctors are unaware of this, so don't be surprised if they are unaware of their negative effect. They especially have a negative impact on aging brain, and terrible for dementia patients.


Quitting drinking doesn't make you a better person.  It allows the real person to emerge.


Belief is a thought you keep on thinking

Don't "should" on yourself


Book: I'm reading the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene...its 's pretty insightful. 

You would do well not to dwell


Triggers are my teachers, not my tormentors

Ariana Joy 12:35 PM

JQ-I got a notification for this video from Emma Mcadams/ Therapy In a Nutshell via YouTube pop up after the 9am meeting and thought of you....I haven't finished the video yet. It is in line with cognitive distortions...…....

Live in "the suck" and embrace and process it and don't use it as a way to punish myself


I found for sleep Seamus Byrne The Healer sounds and Tripura Mandela, a guy also on utube. Tripura s intention is to teach meditation but his lovely voice pace etc put me asleep.

Wisdom is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance

Movie: The Bridge of Sighs

Intention is the currency of alcohol abstinence

There's a nationwide campaign to motivate people to drink.

Atomic Habits (book) interview:

Holly got a big hug from her college kid, who didn't even want to be with her 2 years ago because of her drinking.

When is it ever a safe time to do something that I know will damage me?


Jim Brewer
Patrice O'Neal
Ron White
Bill Burr
Craig Ferguson
Zach Galifianakis
Rob Delaney
Theo Vonz

Jim brewer

Roman 8:39 PM

Patrice Oneal never drank

ron white stopped drinking

bill burr actually is a great one.  he's always struggling with drinking while at clubs working, and takes long breaks from it.  long ones.  hes not a fan of being drunk.

Steve-O isnt so much a comic, but his recovery story is powerful.  No one does any drugs around him at all during interviews.

Ron white is a suprise, i remember his comedy, him always having a short glass of something😉

Craig Ferguson, Zach Galifianakis, Rob Delaney is hilarious.  very sober.

Theo Von is probably my favorite sober comedian.

Movie: 28 Days.  Pleasure Unwoven (Youtube).  


Change is inevitable.  Growth is optional.

1. Admit I'm fucked.

2. Realize there's a way to stop fucking myself.

3. Make a decision to get the fuck out of this mess.

4. Write all about how fucked up I really am.

5. Tell someone else about all this fucked up shit I just wrote about.

6. Become totally ready to stop being such a fuck up.

7. Try to do less fucked up shit all the time.

8. Make a list of people I fucked over.

9. Find those people and tell them "I fucked up", unless telling them will fuck them worse.

10. Continue to be aware of when I fuck up, and set that shit straight pronto.

11. Chill the fuck out sometimes and realize that shit's better now.

12. Find other people that are as fucked up as I used to be, and help them.

Remember when you wanted to feel as good as you feel now?

"Life's a lot easier when you're not trying to choke yourself out" Greg R

Acceptance Commitment Therapy

RE therapy Albert Ellis

Dec 24 2024


Never take a sober day for granted - go to a meeting, continue vigilance

Choice in Recovery


Because choice is so important in recovery, consider exploring these other non-12-step recovery options:

**Smart Recovery: a science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery program.-

**Recovery Dharma: a Buddhist-based recovery program.-

For women only

**Women for Sobriety: a recovery program for women.-

** a program to inspire hope, reduce stigma and empower women.-

From Shane: Taresa you may have these links:Washington State Peer Support Specialist 


Apply and be accepted as a possible training applicant. Successfully complete an Health Care Authority (HCA)-approved in-person training. Pass the written and oral state exam. HCA-approved Certified Peer Counselor trainings, standard behavioral health and youth and family are 5 days long (36-40 hours).

Verification form: ( or ) —

Click on the form link, fill out the fields, and submit it. You will get an email that verifies that you attended the meeting in question. Please allow 24 - 36 business hours for the meeting verification email to be sent to your inbox.

Make sure to get your email address correct for follow up, and the convenor for this meeting is: ‘Sepehr’

Please donate today! —

Help support LifeRing as we continue to grow and support more people. Go to or click ‘Donate’ at the top of any LifeRing page. Donations are greatly appreciated. ( or ) —

Click on the form link, fill out the fields, and submit it. You will get an email that verifies that you attended the meeting in question. Please allow 24 - 36 business hours for the meeting verification email to be sent to your inbox.

Make sure to get your email address correct for follow up, and the convenor for this meeting is: ‘Shane’

Please donate today! —

Help support LifeRing as we continue to grow and support more people. Go to or click ‘Donate’ at the top of any LifeRing page. Donations are greatly appreciated.

CALGROW2023 - Care giving training: Futuro Health <>

Choice in Recovery

Because choice is so important in recovery, consider exploring these other non-12-step recovery options: 

Smart Recovery: a science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery program.-

Recovery Dharma: a Buddhist-based recovery program.

For women only

Women for Sobriety: a recovery program for women.- a program to inspire hope, reduce stigma, and empower women.-

Various Online secular meeting & 12-steps programs 24/7 schedule:

Online Meeting Verification Form Link:


Please note:

We encourage you to attend as many meetings as work for you. However, only three (3) meeting attendance verification requests submitted for meetings within 24 hours will be eligible for review.  

We cannot send verification for two meetings that overlap (e.g., 6:15 pm Pacific & 7:00 pm Pacific)

Verification requests must be submitted within a week of the meeting attended. 

For additional help, see:


You promote what you permit. As a leader.

I honor what you're doing

Sarah, convenor:

Proximity is not a reflection of love.  Sometimes we aren't the right people for each other right now.  

It's understandable people will react to us changing as people.  

Sometimes our behavior isn't who we are, it's childhood stuff. 

I'm so with you on that.  Thank you for sharing.  What a gift.

I love that you're owning that whole story.  

You were skeptic when you started and so was I.  It's not unsurmountable and I thought it was.

Thank you for sharing your story and your journey with us.


Book recommendation: The Pivot Year.  How to grapple with the things in your life you're not necessarily grateful for but appreciate the experience.

Being in a position to trust yourself is such a gift of sobriety.  I thought my world would get more narrow but being sober gives me a lot of options.


 Fred: helpful to have a "compass" or some THING that I can attach my health and forward instincts to.  Was a rock.  painted a compass on it.  



JQ: Changing physical state: hold an ice cube in both hands till they melt, do anything physical, play with pets, take a walk, cold plunge in bath, shower, box breathing, tapping outside of both knees, clean house, starting with a single dish, usually results in more cleaning.

Nate: Compassion isn't conditional.  If I want to show up as a compassionate person, that is extended to everyone.  

Josh: No matter how far we drive we're always the same distance from the ditch

Mario: "It's easier to stay Sober than to become Sober"   I would hear people in the Program say this.


 Hail me!

Shane: Some of the most important words you hear are the ones you speak yourself.

 Dreams aren't what I'm doing now.  They're my brain rewiring to make the changes I want to and to leave behind alcohol.  It's a gift not to have to rewire myself in waking hours.

James Clear - Atomic Habits book

“Drastic change never sticks”

Book - A Happier Hour

Bird by bird

Sarah as convenor I love that for you Question what's serving you What you're sharing is important I will cherish myself. What does that look like? It's helpful to hear the things that work for us because they're a little different for everyone.

2024 Energy Deeply connected and nourishing relationships Firm nos Clear expectations Value-based decision making Gentleness with myself Rest as essential Spend more time with people who energize me Implement recovery strategies for people who deplete me Less, busy work, more intentional practices (via @nedratawwab on IG) Reflection: What energy do you want to bring into the holidays and the new year? - Journaling topic


  1. Anonymous Tool Time Survey:

  2. Join the Tool Time Chat Group using the Telegram messaging app:

  3. Tool Time Meeting tools document:

  4. Kemper's List for Sobriety:

  5. "How Come I Do Not Drink Anymore" document:

  6. "Note To Self" document:

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Hello, World!

 Vision: A space to collect and organize all the useful info I'm exposed to in my alcohol abstinence journey!


Lifering Verification Form If you require a Meeting Attendance Verification for this meeting, please fill in the form at this URL http://tin...